(We highly recommend paying with Exact Cash or Check; Credit accepted if need be : Financing Available For Memberships Through Variant)
***All customers must fill out the Liability Release ,Covid Release, and Photo Release upon arrival to enter the workout area; You may fill out on here for your convenience to save time upon arrival ; link located in the Documents Tab up top
***Very young children must be supervised by parents; we are not a facility where they have room to run and play in the waiting room area; Thank you for your understanding
E-Gift Cards
Top Velocity Apparel
Academy Yearly Tuition
Ages 12-College
*Unlimited Access To Facility
*Includes Top V Camp 1st Month (No Camp $3,997)
*Training App to guide workouts / Evals Monthly
*Financing Available as well as payment plans
*15% Team Discount (3 players Min.)
*15% Discount For Siblings
Youth Academy Ages 10-11
$2,997 (No Camp)
*2 Days Per Week With Direct Instruction
*All Other Days Full Access To Facility
*Financing Available as well as payment plans
*15% Team Discount (3 players Min.)
*15% Discount For Siblings
Alumni 12-College
Alumni 10-11
Academy 3 Month Summer College Tuition
(College Only)
3 Months / Summer Break
*For Those Who Are Home For The Summer
To Train
*Includes Top V Camp 1st Month (No Camp $997)
*Financing Available as well as payment plans
6 Month Academy Off Season Training
6 Month Off Season Training
*For those who don't want to join Academy for the year but want the training in the off season
*Includes Top V Camp 1st Month (No Camp $2,997)
*One Academy level eval upon starting and one your last month
*Training App to guide workouts
*Financing Available as well as payment plans
*15% Team Discount (3 players Min.)
*15% Discount For Siblings
5 Varieties
1. Start Right
2. Pitching
3. Hitting
4. Catcher Poptime
5. Speed/Strength/Power
3 Time Frames
1 Day
*3 Hr. Session (1 Hr and 2 Hr Options)
*10% Team Discount
*10% Discount For Siblings
5 Day
*1 Hr. Sessions
*10% Team Discount
*10% Discount For Siblings
4 0r 8 Weeks / 2x / Week
4-$297 / 8-$497
*1 Hr. Sessions
*10% Team Discount
*10% Discount For Siblings
*Pro-Rated if you begin after it starts
Start Right Clinic
*Ages 10-College
*1 Hr. Sessions
*8 Weeks / 2X / Week
*10% Team Discount
*10% Discount For Siblings
*Pro-Rated if you begin after it starts
Academy Level Camps
Ages 10-College
Call To Book 717-659-6849
*For those wanting the camp our members get but then train from home
location with our app for the year
*15% Team Discount (3 players Min.)
*15% Discount For Siblings
Individual Lessons
Pkg of 4 or more 5% Off
*Dynamic Warmup
*Filmed Regularly
*TV Viewing area
to go over film
*Mental Prep
*Home Work
Batting/Pitching Cage Rental
(Cancellation fee of 50% of rental if less than 24 hour notice)
Call To Book 717-659-6849
No Machine
30 Min.-$20
60 Min.-$35
30 Min.-$25
60 Min.-$40
*Baseball Hack Attack
*Softball Hack Attack
*Must have An Adult To Feed Machine